The Rotary Club of Ahmedabad Elite has organized as its second project for the service of providing learning aid on 06-07-2019 at 9.00 am at MAMMATPURA PRATHMIK SHALA, AHMEDABAD.
Our club has decided to provide reading books to set-up a library at MAMMATPURA PRATHMIK SHALA, AHMEDABAD as a part of initiative towards education promotion. We have decided to accept several books in donation from kids, to inculcate a sense of responsibility and sharing kindness towards the society. We have managed books common for junior classes which may interest children to learn more.
The project was undertaken at the premise of Mammatpura prathmik shala. Project was managed and conduct by Rtn. Ms. Pooja Acharya (Club Secretary), Rtn Mr. Nirav Parikh, Rtn. Mr. Omkar Acharya, Rtn. Ms. Harsha Acharya. AG Mr. Navroz Tarapore and All club members were invited. Children were very encouraged and enthusiastic to see colorful books. As a part of responsibility, we have provided certificates to the kids(book donors) for their contribution to the society.