The Board Meeting was held at H K Avenue, 19, Swastik Society, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad form 5:300 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., on 15th July, 2017.
The following members were present in the meeting viz.
1. Rtn. Mr. Nirav Parikh
2. Rtn. Mr. Omkar Acharya
3. Rtn. Mr. Bhavesh Vasani
4. Rtn. Mr. Bharat Joshi
5. Rtn. Ms. Pooja Acharya
6. Rtn. Dr. Rajeshkumar Acharya
7. Rtn. Dr. Jayesh K. Mehta
8. Rtn. Dr. Rupal Vaidya
9. Rtn. Harsha R. Acharya
At the said meeting, as per the Coram of the board the Rotary Members of the said meeting granted the club committee board.
The Rotary Members of the said meeting has discussed about D.G. Citation and President Citation 2016-17.
There are discussion and plan for future projects and membership growth.
Any Other Suggestion from the Chair.
The meeting concluded with the singing of the National Anthem.